Hi Malte,

Am 27.04.19 um 10:49 schrieb Malte Meyn:

Am 26.04.19 um 14:45 schrieb Lukas-Fabian Moser:

I might also be willing to use LaTeX for the creation of the symbols because I could then combine efforts for a standalone LaTeX package to produce the symbols in continuous text too.

I'd very much argue for a LilyPond-only solution in order to rely as little as possible on a specific toolchain.

As said before (https://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/lilypond-user/2019-04/msg00344.html) I already made a LilyPond-only solution that I abandoned because it wasn’t easy to include in LaTeX, see attachment.

That looks really great, and it's a pity you abandoned it. But I can of course understand your rationale. However, as impressive as your font-based approach is, I would really prefer having a package that does it "live", i.e. does the combination of sub-symbols while engraving or typesetting. That will provide much more flexibility on the long run, as it is possible to create new or custom functionality without having to modify a rather "opaque" object like a font. And I will definitely want to have the symbols in arbitrary fonts. Now, having the experience through lyluatex that my music examples automatically have the same text fonts as the surrounding text document, I would never again accept music examples with LilyPond's default text fonts in my documents, and I'm sure this will go for analysis symbols as well (or, if I want them to be in a different font, I'd probably want to *choose* that font freely).

Although I know that keeping two projects in parallel is a serious maintenance issue I think the best path forward (at least from my perspective and not at all ruling out a font-based approach in parallel) is creating a LilyPond-based solution, make that as generic as possible and then think about a way for LaTeX. What would definitely work is basically rebuilding that LilyPond solution (with a matching user interface) as an independent LaTeX package. Maybe it would even be possible to use lyluatex (and its option to integrate LilyPond snippets directly in the continuous text) to have LilyPond engrave the symbols on-the-fly and essentially find a way to *integrate* the LilyPond solution in LaTeX that way. (This is also why I basically decided not to do any further work on my lilyglyphs package, since lyluatex essentially can to the same and much more, with the only downside of requiring LilyPond (and *lua*tex) to be available.) Such an approach would either be a standalone package or an addition to lyluatex where a special command would wrap the \lilypond{} command to generate a custom file around the given commands to generate a single analysis symbol or a sequence thereof. Actually I think that should be rather simple (with the single drawback that it would be LuaLaTeX-only solution).


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