Hello everybody

I'm working with Lilypond for several months now, and my experiments get
more and more realistic and interesting ;-) So I will follow up with
specific questions soon and hope someone may be able to give me advice.

As I'm new to this list, I would like to ask how I should handle the
following observation:

Let's start with the following code fragment:

\version "2.18.2"

\book {
  \paper {
    #(set-paper-size "a5" 'landscape)
  \score {
    \new Staff
      { \relative c'{ c d e f}}
    \layout {

When I render this code with Lilypond v2.18.2, the PDF appears in
landscape view as expected - be it in Adobe Reader or in the Frescobaldi
score view.

When I render this code with Lilypnd v2.19.83, the PDF is rendered in
portrait orientation (and displayed so in the viewers mentionned).

When I change the version hint in the code to
\version "2.19.83"
and render the code with Lilypond v2.19.83, the PDF is rendered in
portrait orientation.

File version hint    Lilypond version   PDF orientation
2.18.2               2.18.2             landscape
2.18.2               2.19.83            portrait
2.19.83              2.19.83            portrait

Is this a bug? Where to post it? Or have I missed something?

Thanks in Advance

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