Hi Gauco

I never engraved advanced percussion scores. But searching brought me to
the LSR http://lilypond.org/doc/v2.19/Documentation/snippets/percussion.html

I adapted the first part of your drum staff definition using
"drumStyleTable" instead of your \bongos-style:

Drums = \new DrumStaff \with {
    drumStyleTable = #bongos-style
  } {
      \drummode {

et voilà, the score compiled without errors or warnings. I haven't done
further real life checks with notes due to my missing knowledge of
percussion scores.


Am 12.05.2019 um 23:37 schrieb Gauco Wander Beall:
> Hi there:
> **//___^
> This is the same issue as in previous message:
> **//___^
> The examples on common notation for percussion,
> doesn't worked for me; manual isn't clear on this session. 
> Here is the code that i typed :
> **//___^
> %%
> Drums = \new DrumStaff <<
>  \bongos-style
>   \drummode {
>     % Enter Line 1
>     << {
>   }\\{
>  % Enter Line 2  
>     } >>
> }>>
>  \layout {
>     \override Beam.concaveness = #10000
>  }
> \score {
>   \Drums
>   \layout { }
>   \midi { }
> }
> %%
> **//___^
> Can someone, show me how to fix it ?
> Thank you, again :
> Glauco.
> **//___^
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