Hey Urs,

> I too find this surprising. I suggest you ask on lilypond-user whether this 
> is a bug or intended behaviour. If it is intended (due to some engraving 
> convention for example) it might be made configurable.

I first posted this to lilypond-user. I don't know if I need to repost
with a clearer explanation and examples?

Karim provided a work-around that seems to solve the problem but it
does add mysterious stuff to the Lilypond file. I don't anticipate too
many users needing to look at the Lilypond code that is generated for
their music but for the sake of those few who do, I do try to keep
things clean. (I probably need to add comments to the Lilypond
generating file as it is.)


On Sun, May 19, 2019 at 11:32 AM Urs Liska <li...@openlilylib.org> wrote:
> Am 19.05.19 um 17:56 schrieb David Bellows:
> Hey Aaron,
> Before I respond to the rest of your email, I think it's worth going
> over something I didn't emphasize enough in my first email. I've
> attached a new pdf with instrument labels this time to make it easier
> to follow.
> The staves that continue to be printed appear to only happen when the
> last note in that staff is an actual printed note. If it's a rest or a
> space then the extra staves are not printed. Further experimentation
> and it looks like the extra staves are only printed if the final note
> is less than a quarter note (!). You can see this in two spots with
> Piano 4 and Piano 5 on page 3. I've attached the .ly file as well.
> Maybe something to do with the time signature as well?
> This looks like a bug maybe?
> I could confirm that behaviour with the following MWE:
> \version "2.21.0"
> \score {
>   <<
>     \new Staff { c'1 c'1 }
>     \new Staff { c'1 c'4 c'16 }
>     \new Staff { c'1 c'8 }
>     \new Staff { c'1 c'4 }
>     \new Staff { c'1 c'4. }
>   >>
> }
> I too find this surprising. I suggest you ask on lilypond-user whether this 
> is a bug or intended behaviour. If it is intended (due to some engraving 
> convention for example) it might be made configurable.
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