Am Di., 28. Mai 2019 um 14:38 Uhr schrieb Niels <>:
> Dear users,
> For a pianoscore I want to use three voices for the lower staff.
> First I divide into two parts, then the upper voice again in two.
> However, I am getting a warning"
> ly:10:26: warning: adding note head to incompatible stem (type = 1/4)
>      {\stemDown <c,,, c'>4~
>                            q8 r r4}
> and Lilypond compiles without a stem for te lower part (see attachment).
> I decreased the stem-length of the upper voice so that there would be no
> interfering with the stem of the lower voice.
> More, for the lower voice I applied \stemDown.
> I have no clue how to revolve this. Could anyone help?
> Regards, Niels
> My code (for the lower staff):
> \version "2.18.2"
> music = \relative c {
>    \clef bass
>    <<
>      {r4 <<{d'4. c8}
>            \\
>            {\once \override Stem.length = #'4 bes2}
>          >>}
>      \\
>      {\stemDown <c,,, c'>4~q8 r r4}
>    >>
> }
> \score {
>    \music
>    \layout{}
> }
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The << ... \\ ... >> construct creates two Voices named "1" and "2"
While you do << << .. \\ ... >> \\  ... >> the second \\ will still
have a Voice called "2". It's content will be added to the first
created Voice called "2".
So LilyPond tries to stem togehter 1/2 and 1/8. Ofcourse this does not work.
You could try << .. \\ .. \\ .. >>, but for complex situations it's
preferable to explicitely spell out the Voices. leading to:

\relative c {
   \clef bass
        \new Voice { \voiceOne r4 d'4. c8 }
        \new Voice { \voiceTwo s4 bes2 }
     \new Voice { \voiceTwo <c,,, c'>4~q8 r r4}


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