
With various suggestions that I'm very grateful for, I've mostly gotten
this guitar and vocal piece to score reasonably.  However, I'm now stuck
trying to get the guitar chords to appear over each measure of the
verses and chorus.  I've tried a variety of things but they all seem to
cause the chords to appear as part of the lyrics.  I may have boxed
myself in somehow since I'm still a newbie.

Also, I'm getting a console message saying:

warning: forced break was overridden by some other event, should you be
using bar checks?

I'm trying to figure out what this is due to as it may relate to the
question above (I guess). 
Any suggestions to get out of the box would be appreciated.
===================================== Song starts here ==================
\version "2.19.82"
\include ""
\header {
Chords = \new ChordNames {
  \chords {
Diagrams = \new FretBoards {
  \chordmode {
GuitarStrum = \new Voice \with {
    \consists "Pitch_squash_engraver"
  } {
    \relative c'' {
Song.Voice.Verse = \fixed c' {
 \relative c' { \GuitarStrum \break  }
Song.Voice.Chorus = \fixed c' {
Song.Voice.Outro = \fixed c' {
\mark \markup { \musicglyph #"scripts.coda" } 

Song.Lyrics.VerseI = \lyricmode {
\set stanza = #"1."
Song.Lyrics.VerseII = \lyricmode {
\set stanza = #"2."
Song.Lyrics.VerseIII = \lyricmode {
\set stanza = #"3."
Song.Lyrics.VerseIV = \lyricmode {
\set stanza = #"4."
Song.Lyrics.VerseV = \lyricmode {
\set stanza = #"5."
Song.Lyrics.VerseVI = \lyricmode {
\set stanza = #"6."
%fd\mark \markup { D.S. al Coda }
Song.Lyrics.Chorus = \lyricmode {
\set stanza = #"C."
Song.Lyrics.Outro = \lyricmode {
\score {
%\context ChordNames { \theChords }
%\context FretBoards    { \theChords }


\new Staff {
  \key a \minor
 { \GuitarStrum \break \GuitarStrum \break \GuitarStrum \break }
  \new Voice = "verse"   { \Song.Voice.Verse   \bar "||" }
  \new Voice = "chorus" { \Song.Voice.Chorus \bar "||" }
  \new Voice = "outro"    { \Song.Voice.Outro   \bar ":|." }
\new Lyrics \lyricsto "verse" { \Song.Lyrics.VerseI \break  }
\new Lyrics
  \lyricsto "verse"   { \Song.Lyrics.VerseII }
  \lyricsto "chorus" { \Song.Lyrics.Chorus }
  \lyricsto "outro"    { \Song.Lyrics.Outro }
\new Lyrics  \lyricsto "verse" { \Song.Lyrics.VerseIII }
\new Lyrics
  \lyricsto "verse" { \Song.Lyrics.VerseIV }
%  \lyricsto "chorus" { \Song.Lyrics.Chorus }
\new Lyrics  \lyricsto "verse"  { \Song.Lyrics.VerseV \break }
\new Lyrics  \lyricsto "verse"  { \Song.Lyrics.VerseVI \break }
\layout { }
\midi { \tempo 4 = 135  }

University of Hawaii, Maui College / Mobile 760.840.8660

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