I can't make your chord exceptions work... Is it because I'm running a
2.18.2 version?
When I look at your code I see a lot of "shifting things around". Is that
what you do? You take
the given symbols (in chord-mode) and shift/replace/zoom them around until
they look right for you?
That's not what I had in mind, exactly - for I'm not happy with the
fonts/symbols themselves.
I assume it comes close though, judging by the amount of your changes :-)

Good news:
I just figured out how to use standard otf font as markup-font. I didn't
put my font in
the right folder the first time around. But now I did and it works. In my
case it's in:


and: voilà! Simple as that. You probably all knew about this already...
That's pretty much what I wanted. Now I can build my own chord-symbol-font
from scratch.


On Wed, Jul 3, 2019 at 7:40 PM Marco Baumgartner <vonbaumgart...@gmail.com>

> Thank you, Elaine.
> I'm on the road, but I'll gladly check it out later!
> One thought though: As far as I understand it: displaying chords within
> Lilypond is not done with/by a "normal" font but rather a special
> chord-mechanism. I fear, that this mechanism (as far I've seen) does a good
> job, but can also be seen as a limitation. How wrong would it be to create
> a normal font (with tons of ligatures) which I could use as
> info/comments/expression - NOT in Chord-mode to display chords? I feel like
> that would be the only way that leads to perfect chord symbols. Or am I
> completely out? :-)
> On Wed, Jul 3, 2019, 19:26 Flaming Hakama by Elaine <
> ela...@flaminghakama.com> wrote:
>> --------- Forwarded message ----------
>>> From: Marco Baumgartner <vonbaumgart...@gmail.com>
>>> To: lilypond-user@gnu.org
>>> Date: Wed, 3 Jul 2019 14:27:27 +0200
>>> Subject: Jazz Chord Symbols (as new font - NOT notation font)
>>> Hi,
>>> I wonder how I had to build a "normal" font (otf, ttf, whatever) to work
>>> as chord-symbols-font only.
>>> Spacing and style is very important to make chord symbols readable. I
>>> haven't seen one yet for lilypond.
>>> Goal is to have a font rendering chord symbols like in the real books
>>> (handwritten or not), thus: including tons of ligatures and special
>>> thingies per symbol/cluster of symbols.
>>> If Ab7sus4(b9) isn't typeset "right", you simply can't read it. You
>>> don't buy it. You don't even want to play it... :-) That's a little harsh,
>>> I know. But hence my question. I'm happy to spend some time on a
>>> Jazz-chord-font - but I have no clue on how to make it, so it can be used
>>> by lilypond. Could also be as "comments" or "music expression", if "chords"
>>> doesn't work.
>>> The lilyjazz-font doesn't come with this kind of chord-symbol-font.
>>> So, is it possible to build one? How do I set up the font? I work with
>>> fontforge. I'm not a font-specialist, but I had built and drawn fonts from
>>> scratch. Just need someone to point me into the right direction.
>>> I need to know:
>>> - is it possible and how? (how to "embed"/use the font in lilypond)
>>> - what font-format
>>> - what encoding (unicode doesn't allow ligatures as far as I know. So
>>> latin1?)
>>> Thanks a lot for some hints and tips!
>>> Have a good time,
>>> Marco
>>> ***
>>> www.marcobaumgartner.com
>>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>>> From: Kieren MacMillan <kieren_macmil...@sympatico.ca>
>>> To: Marco Baumgartner <vonbaumgart...@gmail.com>
>>> Cc: Lilypond-User Mailing List <lilypond-user@gnu.org>
>>> Bcc:
>>> Date: Wed, 3 Jul 2019 09:05:18 -0400
>>> Subject: Re: Jazz Chord Symbols (as new font - NOT notation font)
>>> Hi Marco,
>>> > Spacing and style is very important to make chord symbols readable. I
>>> haven't seen one yet for lilypond.
>>> How does <
>>> http://leighverlag.blogspot.com/2015/12/mimicking-real-book-look.html>
>>> not do what you want?
>>> Thanks,
>>> Kieren.
>>> ________________________________
>>> Kieren MacMillan, composer
>>> ‣ website: www.kierenmacmillan.info
>>> ‣ email: i...@kierenmacmillan.info
>> To be fair, Lee's post does not delve into manipulating the chord symbol
>> layout.  It focuses on the quirks of the real book style, including an
>> In-staff title bar and Only one clef and time signature.  (Which are both
>> not what the OP asked about, and are arguably things that should be
>> abandoned practices of a previous century.)
>> Lee does show how to get a "handwritten" font for chords:
>> \paper {
>>   #(define fonts
>>      (set-global-fonts
>>       #:music "lilyjazz"
>>       #:roman "Pea Missy with a Marker"
>>       #:sans "Pea Missy with a Marker"
>>       #:factor (/ staff-height pt 20)))
>> }
>> But in order to get things liked stacked alterations, or the "proper"
>> vertical placement and relative sizing of symbols, this is not addressed.
>> The example in that post ("All of Me") only uses basic chords symbols that
>> don't really need tweaking, so it is not obvious what the OP is taking
>> about from looking at that example.
>> There are references in the example code to files that may be doing
>> something more:
>> \include "jazzchords.ily"
>> \include "lilyjazz.ily"
>> But since there is no use of chordNameExceptions in the example, it is
>> unlikely that these files address the typography of the chord symbols.
>> The reality is that any kind of typography related to chord symbols
>> requires a complete customization of all or most of the chord symbols you
>> use.
>> I'm happy to share what I use.  This style employs the graphical symbol
>> approach: triangle for major, dash for minor, plus for augmented, circle
>> for diminished and null symbol for half diminished.  If you use something
>> else, like M/m/aug/dim/m7b5, you'd have to construct your own, but
>> hopefully this pattern will be helpful as a basis.  It contains definitions
>> for every chord I've had to notate, but is by no means complete.  There are
>> a few exceptions to "standard" chord symbol notation, in particular for sus
>> chords, (e.g. Csus7 instead of C7sus4).
>> To use this, first save the chord definitions below in a file.
>> Then include that file from your ly file.
>> Then when creating chords, use these chord exceptions:
>> myChords = \chordmode {
>>     \set chordNameExceptions = #flamingChordExceptions
>>     e1:m
>>     % etc.
>> }
>> Also, I use the following syntax for specifying the font used for chords
>> symbols;  it is the second font in this list.   I don't use a "handwritten"
>> font for chord symbols, my preference happens to be "Highlander ITC TT",
>> but you would put whatever font name you want in that position.
>> \paper {
>>   #(define fonts
>>     (make-pango-font-tree "Marker Felt"
>>                           "Highlander ITC TT"
>>                           "LilyJAZZText"
>>                            (/ myStaffSize 20)))
>> }
>> Here is the code to save in a .ily file:
>> \version "2.19.81"
>> \include "english.ly"
>> flamingChordNames = {
>>     % Major
>>     <c e g b>1-\markup { \raise #0.7 { \magnify #0.5 { " " \triangle ##f
>> } \normalsize 7 } }
>>     <c e g b d'>1-\markup { \raise #0.7 { \magnify #0.5 { " " \triangle
>> ##f } \normalsize 9 } }
>>     <c e g b a'>1-\markup { \raise #0.7 { \magnify #0.5 { " " \triangle
>> ##f } \teeny " " \normalsize 13 } }
>>     <c e g b d' a'>1-\markup { \raise #0.7 { \magnify #0.5 { " "
>> \triangle ##f } \normalsize 13 } }
>>     <c e g a d'>1-\markup { \raise #3 { \tiny \center-column { \lower
>> #1.25 { " 6" } " 9" } } }
>>     <c e g b d-sharp' f-sharp' a-flat'>1-\markup {
>>         \raise #0.7 { \magnify #0.5 { " " \triangle ##f } \normalsize 9 }
>>         \raise #3.8 { \tiny \center-column { \lower #1.25 { " #9" } "#11"
>> \raise #1.25 { "b13" } } }
>>     }
>>     % Minor
>>     <c e-flat g>1-\markup { \raise #0.6 { \magnify #0.2 { "  " } \tiny {
>> \char ##x2013 } } }
>>     <c e-flat g a>1-\markup { \raise #0.6 { \magnify #0.2 { "  " } \tiny
>> { \char ##x2013 } \magnify #0.2 { "  " }} \raise #0.7 \normalsize 6 }
>>     <c e-flat g b-flat>1-\markup { \raise #0.6 { \magnify #0.2 { "  " }
>> \tiny { \char ##x2013 } \magnify #0.1 { "  " }} \raise #0.7 \normalsize 7 }
>>     <c e-flat g b>1-\markup { \raise #0.6 { \magnify #0.2 { "  " } \tiny
>> { \char ##x2013 } \magnify #0.1 { "  " }} \raise #0.7 {  \magnify #0.5 { "
>> " \triangle ##f } \small 7 } }
>>     <c e-flat g b d' a'>1-\markup { \raise #0.6 { \magnify #0.2 { "  " }
>> \tiny { \char ##x2013 } \magnify #0.1 { "  " }} \raise #0.7 {  \magnify
>> #0.5 { " " \triangle ##f } \small 7 } }
>>     <c e-flat g b-flat d'>1-\markup { \raise #0.6 { \magnify #0.2 { "  "
>> } \tiny { \char ##x2013 } \magnify #0.1 { "  " }} \raise #0.7 \normalsize 9
>> }
>>     <c e-flat g b-flat d' f>1-\markup { \raise #0.6 { \magnify #0.2 { "
>>  " } \tiny { \char ##x2013 } \magnify #0.1 { "  " }} \raise #0.7
>> \normalsize 11 }
>>     <c e-flat g b-flat d' a'>1-\markup { \raise #0.6 { \magnify #0.2 { "
>>  " } \tiny { \char ##x2013 } \magnify #0.1 { "  " }} \raise #0.7
>> \normalsize 13 }
>>     <c e-flat g b-flat d' a'>1-\markup { \raise #0.6 { \magnify #0.2 { "
>>  " } \tiny { \char ##x2013 } \magnify #0.1 { "  " }} \raise #0.7
>> \normalsize 13 }
>>     % minor7 b13 as "-7 b13"
>>     % <c e-flat g b-flat a-flat'>1-\markup { \raise #0.6 { \magnify #0.2
>> { "  " } \tiny { \char ##x2013 } \magnify #0.1 { "  " }} \raise #0.7 {
>> \normalsize 7 } \raise #0.9 { \small b13 } }
>>     % minor7 b13 as "- b13"
>>     <c e-flat g a-flat'>1-\markup { \raise #0.6 { \magnify #0.2 { "  " }
>> \tiny { \char ##x2013 } \magnify #0.1 { "  " }} \teeny " " \raise #1.2 {
>> \tiny \flat } \teeny " " \raise #0.9 { \tiny "13" } }
>>     <c e-flat g b-flat a-flat'>1-\markup { \raise #0.6 { \magnify #0.2 {
>> "  " } \tiny { \char ##x2013 } \magnify #0.1 { "  " }} \raise #0.9 { \small
>> "  b13" } }
>>     <c e-flat g b-flat d' a-flat'>1-\markup { \raise #0.6 { \magnify #0.2
>> { "  " } \tiny { \char ##x2013 } \magnify #0.1 { "  " }} \raise #0.7
>> \normalsize "9 b13" }
>>     <c e-flat g b a-flat'>1-\markup { \raise #0.6 { \magnify #0.2 { "  "
>> } \tiny { \char ##x2013 } \magnify #0.1 { "  " }} \raise #0.7 {  \magnify
>> #0.5 { " " \triangle ##f } \small 7 \teeny " " \raise #0.5 { \tiny \flat }
>>  \magnify #0.1 { "  " } \raise #0.3 { \tiny "13" } } }
>>     % Dominant
>>     <c e g a>1-\markup { \raise #0.7 { \normalsize 6 } }
>>     <c e g b-flat>1-\markup { \raise #0.7 { \normalsize 7 } }
>>     <c e g b-flat d'>1-\markup { \raise #0.7 { \normalsize 9 } }
>>     <c e g b-flat d-flat'>1-\markup { \raise #0.7 { \normalsize 7 }
>> \raise #1.2 { \teeny " " \tiny \flat \tiny "9" } }
>>     <c e g b-flat d-sharp'>1-\markup { \raise #0.7 { \normalsize 7 }
>> \raise #0.9 { \small " #9" } }
>>     <c e g b-flat c-sharp' d-sharp'>1-\markup { \raise #0.7 { \normalsize
>> 7 } \raise #3.9 { \tiny \center-column { \lower #1.25 { " b9" } " #9" } } }
>>     <c e g b-flat d-sharp' f-sharp'>1-\markup { \raise #0.7 { \normalsize
>> 7 } \raise #3.9 { \tiny \center-column { \lower #1.25 { " #9" } " #11" } } }
>>     <c e g b-flat d' a'>1-\markup { \raise #0.7 { \normalsize 13 } }
>>     <c e g b-flat d-flat' a'>1-\markup { \raise #0.7 { \normalsize 13 }
>> \raise #0.9 { \small " b9" } }
>>     <c e g b-flat a-flat'>1-\markup { \raise #0.7 { \normalsize 7 }
>> \raise #0.9 { \small " b13" } }
>>     <c e g b-flat d' a-flat'>1-\markup { \raise #0.7 { \normalsize 9 }
>> \raise #0.9 { \small " b13" } }
>>     % Dominant b5
>>     <c e g-flat b-flat>1-\markup { \raise #0.7 { \normalsize 7 } \raise
>> #1.0 { \small " b5" } }
>>     <c e g-flat b-flat d-flat'>1-\markup { \raise #0.7 { \normalsize 7 }
>> \raise #1.0 { \small " b5" } \raise #1.0 { \small " b9" } }
>>     % Half-diminished
>>     <c e-flat g-flat b-flat>1-\markup { \raise #0.5 { \magnify #0.85
>> \char ##x2205 } }
>>     <c e-flat g-flat b-flat c-sharp'>1-\markup { \raise #0.5 { \magnify
>> #0.85 \char ##x2205 } }
>>     <c e-flat g-flat b-flat f'>1-\markup { \raise #0.5 { \magnify #0.85
>> \char ##x2205 } \raise #0.5 { \normalsize 11 } }
>>     <c e-flat g-flat b-flat a'>1-\markup { \raise #0.5 { \magnify #0.85
>> \char ##x2205 } \raise #0.5 { \normalsize 13 } }
>>     % Diminished
>>     %<c e-flat g-flat b-flatflat f'>1-\markup { \raise #1.5 { \magnify #2
>> \circle "" } \raise #0.5 { \normalsize 11 } }
>>     % Augmented
>>     <c e g-sharp>1-\markup { \raise #0.4 { \magnify #1.3 { + } } }
>>     <c e g-sharp b-flat>1-\markup { \raise #0.4 { \magnify #1.3 { + } }
>> \raise #0.5 { \normalsize 7 } }
>>     <c e g-sharp b-flat d'>1-\markup { \raise #0.4 { \magnify #1.3 { + }
>> } \raise #0.5 { \normalsize 9 } }
>>     <c e g-sharp b-flat c-sharp' d-sharp'>1-\markup { \raise #0.4 {
>> \magnify #1.3 { + } } \raise #0.5 { \normalsize 7 } \raise #3.9 { \tiny
>> \center-column { \lower #1.25 { " b9" } " #9" } } }
>>     <c e g-sharp b-flat d-sharp'>1-\markup { \raise #0.4 { \magnify #1.3
>> { + } } \raise #0.5 { \magnify #1.2 { \normalsize 7 } } \raise #1.0 \tiny "
>> #9" }
>>     <c e g-sharp b-flat f-sharp'>1-\markup { \raise #0.4 { \magnify #1.3
>> { + } } \raise #0.5 { \magnify #1.2 { \normalsize 7 } } \raise #1.0 \tiny "
>> #11" }
>>     <c e g-sharp d-flat'>1-\markup { \raise #0.4 { \magnify #1.3 { + } }
>> \raise #1.2 { \teeny " " \tiny \flat \tiny "9" } }
>>     <c e g-sharp b-flat d-flat'>1-\markup { \raise #0.4 { \magnify #1.3 {
>> + } } \raise #0.5 { \normalsize 7 } \raise #1.2 { \teeny " " \tiny \flat
>> \tiny "9" } }
>>     <c e g-sharp b-flat d' a'>1-\markup { \raise #0.4 { \magnify #1.3 { +
>> } } \raise #0.5 { \normalsize 13 } }
>>     <c e g-sharp b-flat d-sharp' f-sharp'>1-\markup {
>>         \raise #0.4 { \magnify #1.3 { + } }
>>         \raise #0.7 { \magnify #0.5 { " " \triangle ##f } \normalsize 7 }
>>         \raise #3.8 { \tiny \center-column { \lower #1.25 { "  9" } " #9"
>> \raise #1.25 "#11" } }
>>     }
>>     % Lydian
>>     %<c e g b f-sharp'>1-\markup { \raise #1.0 \small " lyd" }
>>     <c e g f-sharp'>1-\markup { \raise #1.0 \tiny "  #11" }
>>     %<c e g b f-sharp'>1-\markup {
>>     %    \raise #0.7 { \magnify #0.5 { " " \triangle ##f } \normalsize 7 }
>>     %    \raise #1.2 { \teeny " " \tiny "#11" }
>>     %}
>>     <c e g b f-sharp'>1-\markup {
>>         \raise #0.7 { \magnify #0.5 { " " \triangle ##f } }
>>         \raise #1.2 { \teeny " " \tiny "#11" }
>>     }
>>     <c e g b d' f-sharp'>1-\markup { \raise #0.7 { \magnify #0.5 { " "
>> \triangle ##f } } \raise #3.4 { \teeny \center-column { \lower #1.25 { " 9"
>> } " #11" } } }
>>     <c e g b d' f-sharp' a'>1-\markup { \raise #0.7 { \magnify #0.5 { " "
>> \triangle ##f } } \raise #3.4 { \teeny \center-column { \lower #1.25 { "
>> 13" } " #11" } } }
>>     <c e g b-flat f-sharp'>1-\markup { \raise #0.5 { \magnify #1.2 {
>> \normalsize 7 } } \raise #1.0 \tiny " #11" }
>>     % Suspended
>>     <c f g>1-\markup { \raise #0.7 { \normalsize "sus" } }
>>     <c f g b-flat>1-\markup { \raise #0.4 { \small "sus" } \raise #0.5 {
>> \normalsize 7 } }
>>     <c f g b-flat d'>1-\markup { \raise #0.4 { \small "sus" } \raise #1.0
>> \small 9 }
>>     <c f g d-flat'>1-\markup { \raise #0.4 { \small "sus" } \raise #1.2 {
>> \teeny " " \tiny \flat \tiny "9" } }
>>     <c f g b-flat d-flat'>1-\markup { \raise #0.4 { \small " sus" }
>> \raise #0.5 { \normalsize 7 } \raise #1.0 \small " b9" }
>>     <c f g-flat>1-\markup { \raise #0.4 { \small " sus" } \raise #1.2 {
>> \teeny " " \tiny \flat \small 5 } }
>>     <c f g-flat b-flat d-flat'>1-\markup { \raise #0.4 { \small " sus" }
>> \raise #0.5 { \normalsize 7 } \raise #1.0 \small " b5" \raise #1.0 \small "
>> b9" }
>>     <c e g-flat b-flat d-flat' f' a-flat'>1-\markup {
>>         \raise #0.5 { \normalsize 11 }
>>         \raise #6.5 {
>>             \magnify #0.5 \teeny \center-column {
>>                 \lower #3.6 " b5"
>>                 \lower #1.5 " b9"
>>                 "b13"
>>             }
>>         }
>>     }
>> }
>> flamingChordExceptions = #(append (sequential-music-to-chord-exceptions
>> flamingChordNames #t) ignatzekExceptions)
>> HTH,
>> Elaine Alt
>> 415 . 341 .4954                                           "*Confusion is
>> highly underrated*"
>> ela...@flaminghakama.com
>> Producer ~ Composer ~ Instrumentalist ~ Educator
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