\version "2.19.83"

%{ From 

midiMinimumVolume + (midiMaximumVolume - midiMinimumVolume) * fraction

These are the volume coefficients ('fraction' above) applied to each dynamic.
#(define (my-dynamic-absolute-volume-function dynamic-name)
  (assoc-get dynamic-name
      ; Adjust these values to get what you would like.
      ; You can add other dynamics.
      ; If an dynamic name is not found, the default dynamic values are used.
      ("ff" . 0.95)
      ("pp" . 0.3)
    (default-dynamic-absolute-volume dynamic-name)))

%{ These are the default equalizations applied to each MIDI instrument.
An equalization consists in (min . max) where min is the value to apply for 
midiMinimumVolume and max for midiMaximumVolume.
Keep refering to the formula above!
#(define (my-instrument-equalizer instrument-name)
  (assoc-get instrument-name
      ; Adjust these values to get what you would like.
      ; You can add other instrument names.
      ; If an instrument name is not found, the default equalizer is used.
      ("violin" . (0.1 . 0.4))
      ("cello" . (0.5 1.0))
    (default-instrument-equalizer instrument-name)))

\midi {
  \context {
    instrumentEqualizer = #my-instrument-equalizer
    dynamicAbsoluteVolumeFunction = #my-dynamic-absolute-volume-function

violin = \new Voice \relative { c'4\pp d e f g\ff a b c }
cello = \new Voice \relative { a,4\pp b c d e\ff f gis a }

\score {
    \new Staff \with { midiInstrument = "violin" } { \violin }
    \new Staff \with { midiInstrument = "cello" } { \cello }
  \midi { }

You can use an instrument equalizer and custom dynamic absolute volume values 
at the same time.

Of course, instrument equalization can be achieved using
 \set Staff.midiMinimumVolume = min  \set Staff.maximumVolume = max …
but the power of an instrument equalizer is that you can put it in a separate 
file and
\include it, as you say that you generally want to hear the cello louder and 
the violin less loud.

By the way, I find that the example given on
in selected snippets at "Replacing default MIDI instrument equalization"
is overly complicated. Why define the alist empty to append to it later?
And why not just use assoc-get? It could be easily improved.

Best regards,
Jean Abou Samra

> Le 15 juil. 2019 à 18:26, David Sumbler <da...@aeolia.co.uk> a écrit :
> Hi Jean
> That's great - I certainly now can get a greater range of dynamic than 
> before. Thank you very much.
> But I find that altering values in 'my-instrument-equalizer-alist' has no 
> effect at all. How can I adjust the relative volumes of 2 different 
> instruments - say, 'violin' and 'cello'. (I find that in the fluidr3_gm sound 
> font, the cello is far quieter than the other stringed instruments.)
> David
> On Mon, 2019-07-15 at 17:41 +0200, Jean ABOU SAMRA wrote:
>> Hi David,
>> Your problem is not with the instrument, it's with the dynamics themselves.
>> The algorithm that affects a volume to a note does a scale between 
>> midiMinimumVolume and midiMaximumVolume that includes all dynamics. 
>> Mathematically, you can think:
>> volume = midiMinimumVolume + (midiMaximumVolume - midiMinimumVolume)*dynamic
>> Let me try a diagram:
>> 0                       |        pppp   ppp   pp  p  mp  mf f ff fff   ffff  
>> fffff sf  |                         1
>> no sound                midiMinimumVolume                                    
>>           midiMaximumVolume         maximum volume possible
>> Here you set midiMinimumVolume to 0 or almost and midiMaximumVolume to 1, so 
>> if there is not enough difference for you, you need to influence the scale 
>> between the two in addition to minimum and maximum volume.
>> Taking a look at 
>> http://lilypond.org/doc/v2.19/Documentation/internals/dynamic_005fperformer 
>> <http://lilypond.org/doc/v2.19/Documentation/internals/dynamic_005fperformer>
>> suggests to set the dynamicAbsoluteVolumeFunction property. You will find 
>> its default in scm/midi.scm:
>> ;; define factor of total volume per dynamic marking
>> (define-session-public absolute-volume-alist '())
>> (set! absolute-volume-alist
>>       (append
>>        '(
>>          ("sf" . 1.00)
>>          ("fffff" . 0.95)
>>          ("ffff" . 0.92)
>>          ("fff" . 0.85)
>>          ("ff" . 0.80)
>>          ("f" . 0.75)
>>          ("mf" . 0.68)
>>          ("mp" . 0.61)
>>          ("p" . 0.55)
>>          ("pp" . 0.49)
>>          ("ppp" . 0.42)
>>          ("pppp" . 0.34)
>>          ("ppppp" . 0.25)
>>          )
>>        absolute-volume-alist))
>> (define-public (default-dynamic-absolute-volume s)
>>   (assoc-get s absolute-volume-alist))
>> so now you can modify it, for example:
>> %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
>> \version "2.19.83"
>> #(define (my-dynamic-absolute-volume-function dynamic-name)
>>  (assoc-get dynamic-name
>>   '(
>>      ("sf" . 1.00)
>>      ("fffff" . 0.95)
>>      ("ffff" . 0.92)
>>      ("fff" . 0.85)
>>      ("ff" . 0.95) ;; was 0.80
>>      ("f" . 0.75)
>>      ("mf" . 0.68)
>>      ("mp" . 0.61)
>>      ("p" . 0.55)
>>      ("pp" . 0.10) ;; was 0.49
>>      ("ppp" . 0.42)
>>      ("pppp" . 0.34)
>>      ("ppppp" . 0.25)
>>    )))
>> \score {
>>  \new Staff \with { midiInstrument = "trumpet" } {
>>    \set Score.midiMinimumVolume = 0.0
>>    \set Score.midiMaximumVolume = 1.0
>>    \set Score.dynamicAbsoluteVolumeFunction = 
>> #my-dynamic-absolute-volume-function
>>    a'8\pp b' cis'' d'' e''-.\ff d''-. cis''-. b'-. a'
>>  }
>>  \midi { }
>> \layout { }
>> }
>> %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
>> You understand that default 'piano' is not so piano because we have to go to 
>> ppppp.
>> By adjusting the values in that associative list, you can play with dynamics 
>> and get the exact contrast you would like.
>> Hope that helps.
>> Kind regards,
>> Jean Abou Samra.
>>> Le 15 juil. 2019 à 16:16, David Sumbler <da...@aeolia.co.uk 
>>> <mailto:da...@aeolia.co.uk>> a écrit :
>>> %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
>>> \version "2.19.82"
>>> #(define my-instrument-equalizer-alist '())
>>> #(set! my-instrument-equalizer-alist
>>>  (append
>>>   '(
>>>     ("trumpet" . (0.01 . 0.99)))
>>>   my-instrument-equalizer-alist))
>>> #(define (my-instrument-equalizer s)
>>>  (let ((entry (assoc s my-instrument-equalizer-alist)))
>>>    (if entry
>>>      (cdr entry))))
>>> \score {
>>>  \new Staff \with { midiInstrument = "trumpet" } {
>>> %    \set Score.midiMaximumVolume = #1
>>> %    \set Score.midiMinimumVolume = #0
>>>    \set Score.instrumentEqualizer = #my-instrument-equalizer
>>>    a'8\pp b' cis'' d'' e''-.\ff d''-. cis''-. b'-. a'
>>>  }
>>>  \midi { }
>>> }
>>> %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
>>> Can somebody explain how I can control the absolute minimum and maximum
>>> values of individual instruments in midi?
>>> In the above snippet, I expect to find the first bar almost inaudible
>>> and the second bar extremely loud.  However, I find that the difference
>>> between the pp section and the ff is quite limited.  If I reduce the
>>> supposed maximum volume of the trumpet to, say, 0.5, then the pp will
>>> indeed be very quiet, but when I restore the second parameter to 0.99
>>> as here, then the pp passage is much louder than previously.
>>> If I uncomment the Score.midiMaximumVolume line and the following one,
>>> it makes little difference.  The Internals Reference states that valid
>>> values for these 2 parameters are numbers between 0 and 1.  However, if
>>> I set midiMaximumVolume to 2, I find that the pp and the ff sections
>>> have the same volume as each other.  Further increases in
>>> midiMaximumVolume do not seem to make any difference.
>>> In every case, the total dynamic range is considerably less than I
>>> would like.  How can I extend the dynamic range beyond the limited
>>> range I can currently get?
>>> David
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