Am So., 4. Aug. 2019 um 20:09 Uhr schrieb John McWilliam
> I’m compiling a book of bagpipe tunes and have used a global declaration 
> which suits my Music:
> #(set-global-staff-size 16)
> I now fine I have one tune which still does not fit onto the page and one 
> line of music spills over onto a new page. If I reduce this tune to 
> staff-size 15 the problem is solved. Can I do this and maintain my global 
> definition for the other tunes?

To have one tune at a lower size I'd use `staffSize´ from or the builtin `magnifyStaff´.
Afaik, `set-global-staff-size´ is settable only for books in the samw
file, but not per score...

> In the same collection of tunes I sometimes use the following command:
> #(allow-volta-hook “|”)
> The problem is that this command is set at the beginning of the tune and 
> affects all my volta spanners. Can I override this where an open spanner is 
> desired?

No, you can't, `allow-volta-hook´ works per "session", i.e. for the whole file.
Instead you can define a special bar-line and allow volta-hooks for this one:

%% same as "|" apart from the name
#(define-bar-line "|-hook" "|" #f "|")

#(allow-volta-hook "|-hook")

\new Staff {
  \repeat volta 2 { c'1 }
  \alternative { { c'1 } { d'1 } }
  \bar "|-hook"
  \repeat volta 2 { c'1 }
  \alternative { { c'1 } { d'1 } }


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