David Kastrup wrote:

Could you please post an actual minimal example we
could talk about usefully?

OK.  I'm moving, but unsure of the direction.

notnumber.ly is a complete instance of trying to be more specific.
It breaks at 2.19.39.

% versions 2.18.2 through 2.19.38 ok 
% versions from 2.19.39 onwards nok

#(define (notnumber? x)
  (not (number? x)))

listnumber = 
#(define-music-function (parser location listarg numberarg) 
  ((notnumber? '()) number?) 
  (let ((str (number->string numberarg)))
      c''1-\markup $str

  s1_"using notnumber? as a most specific exclusion of numberarg's 333:"  
  s1_"\listnumber #'() 333" \listnumber #'() 333 s1 % baseline ok 
  s1_"\listnumber 333"      \listnumber 333 s1 s1 % 2.19.38 ok  2.19.39 nok
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