Am 26.08.19 um 03:22 schrieb keith Luke:
Is it possible to suppress the a volta starting repeat?

Yes, that should be possible.

The following code generates a repeat in front of the g1.

No, it doesn’t. Please always give a minimal *working* (i. e. compilable) example. Which LilyPond version do you use?

   \set Score.voltaSpannerDuration = #(ly:make-moment 4/4)
   \repeat volta 2 { g1 ~ }
   \alternative {
       g4 r8 g8 d'4 c4 ~
     {{ g2 \repeatTie r2 }}

As an alternative solution, is it possible to generate volta brackets as markkups?

I don’t think so. And how would volta brackets have to do with a starting repeat?

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