[With apologies for repeatedly mailing the list...]

Perhaps a better way, if you want to use alignBelowContext instead,
is to assign a name to the Lyrics context itself, like:

\version "2.18.2"

\score {
    \new Staff <<
      \new Voice = "soprano" \relative c' {
        e4 d c d e e e r
      \new Lyrics = "soprano-lyrics" \lyricsto "soprano" {
        Ma -- ry had a 
          { lit -- tle lamb, }
          \new Lyrics \with { 
            alignBelowContext = #"soprano-lyrics"
          } {
            \set associatedVoice = #"soprano"
            laz -- er bat,
    \new Staff = "bass-staff" <<
      \new Voice = "bass" \relative c {
        \clef bass
        c4 c g' g a a g r

And that produces the "better" spacing that I like in the "\skip"
version, too. (Sometimes it's fun to rethink a problem you think
you've already solved...)


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