Am 11.09.19 um 15:46 schrieb Anzick:
<> <>

Hello, I have been able to get the sacred harp style repeats to show. Does
anyone know how to make them work? I've included the files I am using.

You have to adapt the code to the LilyPond version you’re using:

1. The grob property for the bar line type is now called 'glyph, not 'glyph-name.
2. The repeat bar lines are now ".|:" and ":|.", not "|:" and ":|".

#(define (with-shapenote-repeats grob)
   (let ((g-n (ly:grob-property grob 'glyph)))
      ((string=? g-n ":") (dotFn grob))
      ((string=? g-n ".|:") (barDotSt grob))
      ((string=? g-n ":|.") (barDotFn grob))
      ((string=? g-n "|.") (barDotFnD grob))
      (else (ly:bar-line::print grob)))))

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