> On 18 Sep 2019, at 04:56, Brian Barker via lilypond-user 
> <lilypond-user@gnu.org> wrote:
> At 22:01 17/09/2019 +0200, Karl Hammar wrote:
>> ... I made a little wineglass symbol where in the song you are to take a 
>> drink, as in bar 14 in: 
>> http://aspodata.se/choir/ud/k%C3%A4y_metsolan_halki/k%C3%A4y_metsolan_halki.pdf
>>  ...
> The first basses won't get much drinking done during a vivace crotchet, 
> especially as they have to squeeze a breath in as well! Why do the other 
> voices get five times as long to get tipsy? I think we should be told …

In the Swedish song “Helan går” (which sounds as “Hell and Gore” in English), 
one makes a hold where the lyrics at [1] mark “Drink”, so it should be a 
fermata there, cf. [2] times 1:45 and hold at 1:58. In the stage performance of 
"Metsämiehen juomalaulu" at [3], the choir does not bother about that, though.

1. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Helan_Går
2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wjcGAKU23Qc
3. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pS7Q2GI2gjM

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