Hi all,

This isn't a topic I was able to find in the archive. It may be not a very
interesting subject for most of you, but I hope to learn a bit more about
your own practices for making your files more readable and maybe improve
mine. By that, I mean, how do you use the comments lines to make clear
parts, sections, etc. through your file and make it nice to read. I also
wonder for instance how do you write nicely your titles at the beginning of
your files. Currently, mine looks that way but I'm not very satisfied:

 %%% MAURICE RAVEL                    %%%
 %%% (piano solo)                              %%%


\version "2.19.82"
\language "nederlands"


% Files
\include "Global/fichiers.ily"


%* PDF *%

\book {

Sounds like a silly question, but maybe some of you came up with nice ideas
for making those comments lines more readable, espacially when you want to
show different levels of importance!

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