Am So., 22. Sept. 2019 um 01:22 Uhr schrieb Andrew Bernard
> I have come to an impasse in a score I am setting. Is it even remotely
> possible to have a tuplet nested _across_ two tuplets with lilypond? See
> attached image.
> [Don't blame me for the musical aspect of this - it's not my music!]
> Andrew

Hi Andrew,

how about below?
(I was not able to identify what's writing close to the "5" at the
bottom TupletBrackets, though,)

\version "2.19.83"

%% Overlapping/nested TupletBrackets
%% Method: Use two Voices
%%   One for the inner and overlapping tuplet, scale all durations with
%%   `scaleDurations´.
%%   The other with invisible Rests for the outer TupletBracket(s), just to
%%   print the Brackets.
%%   Remark: can't use spacers, TupletBracket needs proper bounds.
  \time 1/8
  \clef bass
  \override Staff.TupletBracket.bracket-visibility = ##t
    \scaleDurations 4/5 {
      \override Beam.positions = #'(-6 . -6)
      fis32_[ gis,-\parenthesize _> \set stemRightBeamCount = 2 d
      %% Let the beam be shaped as in the example (together with above \set ...)
      \once \override Stem.beaming = #'((0 1) . (2 3 4))
      %% Move TupletBracket as wished
      \once \override TupletBracket.positions = #'(6 . 6)
      \tupletUp \tuplet 5/4 8 { c'32 gis_> ais cis' dis'] } b16->_[ b32]
      %% oneVoice keeps Rests at middle staff-line
    %% Let Rests take no additional space, `temporary´ because one may want to
    %% revert flawlessly
    \temporary \override Rest.stencil = #point-stencil
    %% Move TupletBracket as wished
    \override TupletBracket.positions = #'(-8 . -8)
    \tuplet 5/4 8 { \repeat unfold 5 r32 }
    \tuplet 5/4 8 {
      %% print/move one Rest
      \once \override Rest.staff-position = -13.5
      \once \revert Rest.stencil
      r r r r

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