Hi Mark,

 thanks for sharing. It's always good to know about people using CL.
I'm an avid CL user for many years and maintain some packages. If
you're interested, drop me a note off-list and we can share ideas.

In case this is unintentional: Rather than "Eine Kleine Waltzer" you'd
say "Ein kleiner Walzer" in German (you can capitalize the "kleiner"
if you prefer).


Am Sonntag, den 29. September 2019 um 14:12:22 Uhr (+1000) schrieb
Mark Probert:
> Hi, all.
> While not of general interest, I thought some of you might find this 
> small project of mine amusing.  I was recently inspired by a YT video 
> to have a go at coding one of the late 18th C dice music games (the 
> "Mozart" Waltz generator Simrock published in 1793).  It was a fun 
> exercise and then I found out that the clever folk at opus-infinity.org 
> had trodden this ground before me... oh well. Still I give away the 
> source code :-)
> Anyhow, this is one way of creating lilypond scores and I'd be grateful 
> if people had comments either on the lilypond idioms I've used (it is a 
> parallelMusic thing) or on my CL (I'm pretty new to that idiom as well).
> Anyhow, as it currently is it generates 2xbar 3/8 waltzes in a late-18C 
> style. They are really quite cute.
> More here
>   http://archsys.net/pages/coding/#dicemusic
> Kind regards .. mark.
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