
I'm hoping someone can help me figure out how to notate this.

I am creating a lead sheet that has vocal line with lyrics.  Some sections
have just the melody, and other sections have harmonies under the melody.

In general, I have been having success using this pattern for going into
and out of polyphony, while keeping the lyrics associated with the melody:

melody = \relative c'' {
    c1 << { \voiceOne d } { b1 } >> | \oneVoice e1 |

However, there is one phrase where I can't figure out how to make it work,
which is when the second voice contains ties.

What I'm after is like the second score--except there should be ties
between the chords in the second voice in bars 2-3.
Alternately, like the music in example 6, except with lyrics in the 2nd &
3rd bars.

\version "2.19.80"

words = \lyricmode {
    One, two and three four

melody = \relative c'' {
    \time 3/4
    g2.^"1. Just melody - missing harmony" | g8 a f2 ~ | 2. | e2. \bar "|."

melodyHarmonizedNoTies = \relative c'' {
    \time 3/4
    g2.^"2. Harmonized, no ties: missing ties in voice 2"
        \relative c'' { \voiceOne g8 a f2 ~ | 2. }
        \relative c' { <d b>2. | 2. }
    >> | \oneVoice
    \bar "|."

melodyHarmonizedWithTies = \relative c'' {
    \time 3/4
    g2.^"3. Harmonized with ties: lyrics do not follow voice 1, and ties
are missing in voice 2"
        \relative c'' { \voiceOne g8 a f2 ~ | 2. }
        \relative c' { <d b>2. ~ | 2. }
    >> | \oneVoice
    \bar "|."

melodyHarmonizedLV = \relative c'' {
    \time 3/4
    g2.^"4. Harmonized, LV in voice 2: Extra LV in voice 1"
        \relative c'' { \voiceOne g8 a f2 ~ | 2. }
        \relative c' { <d b>2. \laissezVibrer | 2. }
    >> | \oneVoice
    \bar "|."

melodyHarmonizedSlashNoTies = \relative c'' {
    \time 3/4
    g2.^"5. Slash, no ties: missing lyrics in voice 1 and missing ties in
voice 2"
        \relative c'' { \voiceOne g8 a f2 ~ | 2. } \\
        \relative c' { <d b>2. | 2. }
    >> | \oneVoice
    \bar "|."

melodyHarmonizedSlashWithTies = \relative c'' {
    \time 3/4
    g2.^"6. Slash with ties: lyrics do not follow voice 1"
        \relative c'' { \voiceOne g8 a f2 ~ | 2. } \\
        \relative c' { <d b>2. ~ | 2. }
    >> | \oneVoice
    \bar "|."

melodyHarmonizedSlashLV = \relative c'' {
    \time 3/4
    g2.^"7. Slash, LV in voice 2: lyrics do not follow voice 1"
        \relative c'' { \voiceOne g8 a f2 ~ | 2. } \\
        \relative c' { <d b>2. \laissezVibrer | 2. }
    >> | \oneVoice
    \bar "|."

\book {
    \header { title = "MWE: lyrics in voice 1 with tied notes in voice 2" }
    \score {
            \new Staff = "upper" {
                \new Voice = "lead" {
            \new Lyrics \with { alignAboveContext = "staff" } {
                \lyricsto "lead" { \words }
        \layout {

    \score {
            \new Staff = "upper" {
                \new Voice = "lead" {
            \new Lyrics \with { alignAboveContext = "staff" } {
                \lyricsto "lead" { \words }
        \layout {

    \score {
            \new Staff = "upper" {
                \new Voice = "lead" {
            \new Lyrics \with { alignAboveContext = "staff" } {
                \lyricsto "lead" { \words }
        \layout {

    \score {
            \new Staff = "upper" {
                \new Voice = "lead" {
            \new Lyrics \with { alignAboveContext = "staff" } {
                \lyricsto "lead" { \words }
        \layout {

    \score {
            \new Staff = "upper" {
                \new Voice = "lead" {
            \new Lyrics \with { alignAboveContext = "staff" } {
                \lyricsto "lead" { \words }
        \layout {

    \score {
            \new Staff = "upper" {
                \new Voice = "lead" {
            \new Lyrics \with { alignAboveContext = "staff" } {
                \lyricsto "lead" { \words }
        \layout {

    \score {
            \new Staff = "upper" {
                \new Voice = "lead" {
            \new Lyrics \with { alignAboveContext = "staff" } {
                \lyricsto "lead" { \words }
        \layout {

Please let me know if you have suggestions.


Elaine Alt
415 . 341 .4954                                           "*Confusion is
highly underrated*"
Producer ~ Composer ~ Instrumentalist ~ Educator
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