On Sun, Jan 13, 2019 at 05:43:55PM +0100, Klaus Ethgen wrote:
> Hi,
> Am So den 13. Jan 2019 um 17:02 schrieb David Kastrup:

Sorry for reviving an ancient thread, but I just encountered the exact same
problem as Klaus (after many months of absence). And since there was no
solution given at the time, I write this mail for the archive (that’s how I
found the thread in the first place).

> > > - First there is the German umlauts. As you can see in the example, it
> > >   is correct encoded in UTF-8 but the umlauts are encoded as "??".
> > >   I did already try to use no bomb or even in latin1 encoding. But
> > >   nothing helped.

Lilypond’s console output also had ?? in it and lilypond was even unable to
load .ly files that have unicode characers in their filename. So there is
something broken in lilypond’s innards which deals with strings in general.

> > For stuff like encoding problems it is _absolutely_ necessary that you
> > specify the operating system you use, the LilyPond version you use, and
> > whether you used the distributed installer or something else.
> Sorry, you are right.
> It is Gentoo.
>    [IP-] [  ] media-sound/lilypond-2.19.80-r1:0
> As I wrote before, I do not see the problem on debian linux. But that is
> even a lower version.

I was about to post a looong mail with my observation of the problem,
including an MWE, but then looked at the Gentoo bug tracker, because like
Klaus I am on Gentoo with lilypond 2.19.80-r1. The problem we are having
(are you still anyways, Klaus?) is due to Guile 2:

Through reading around I also found Thomas Morley’s
Which contains patches to apply to guile in order to fix it.

So it seems that currently, Lilypond built from official Gentoo packages is
broken. :( There is no guile-1 anymore in the tree to roll back to.

So, just like you, I will be dependent on another distro for the time being.
Thankfully, my laptop is already running Arch, which still ships guile 1.8.

Gruß | Greetings | Qapla’
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Fine: Tax for doing wrong.
Tax: Fine for doing fine.

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