Kieren Richard MacMillan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Hi, Walter:
>> Another editor that I have enjoyed for quite some time now is TeXShop.
> I use TeXShop on OS X for my mathematics typesetting -- I agree that
> it's quite a good app.
> What are the steps I need to perform (if any) to prepare it for
> Lilypond editing? Sounds like that would be much easier than the way
> I'm doing it now (SubEthaEdit + CLI commands)!

It may be possible to extend TeXShop in order to make it LilyPond
syntax aware, and launch lilypond instead of pdftex or pdflatex (if
direct PDF output is possible on MacOSX). I'm writing to the authors
in order to ask them what they think the involved work could be, and
which tracks to follow.

Maybe point-on-click on the PDF output could work also inside

That would make a good start for a, with native look and


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