Am 28. Oktober 2019 19:06:46 MEZ schrieb Karsten Reincke <>:
>Dear Urs, dear Friends
>In general, I've started the adoption of LSR snippet 967 in a
>development branch of my harmonyli lib (
> This snippet
>isvery well designed and written. 
>> Klaus Blum is listed in that LSR snippet as the author, and he
>> happens to be the maintainer of the anaLYsis package, BTW.
>Does anyone has his mail address? I would like to discuss / learn, how
>his function fExtend works. Or does anyone know, how this methods

What exactly do you mean? AFAICT that snippet is not much more complicated than 
the code in your package.

>> The anaLYsis package has pretty sophisticated modules for frames and
>> arrows, but the "harmony" module has only been created as a stub,
>> storing some stuff from that mailing list thread for future reference
>> (in the `harmony-initial` branch).
>The analysis package is a challenge for me:
>a) It is licensed under GPL. I think this is not appropriate for music.
>In a few days I will write a little article about this topic. But
>without changing that license I cannot contribute to it.

I have to second Andrew's question: why on earth would a package that is 
licensed the same as LilyPond be something one can't contribute to? If you have 
specific reasons not to do so you should at least mention them for us to see.

>b) I did not find an example, which can be downloaded and be compiled
>without additional 'installation steps'. 

Well, that's the nature of packages and extension infrastructures.

> And unfortunately, also the
>home page of openlilylib is forthe moment more a frame than an
>information source. 

This is unfortunately true.

> Where can I get such a tutorial? should get you going.

>> I would love to see that module be functional, especially since I
>> urgently need a solution to update a bunch of music examples in a
>> large document, but I haven't found the time to look into it yet. So
>> I'd be more than willing to collaborate on that.
>I think we won't need much time to modify the one source file into a
>> As I wrote in a previous reply such a package will eventually have to
>> support multiple (if not arbitrary) styles of formatting analysis
>> symbols. However, that doesn't mean that one has to get everything
>> right at once. It is sufficient to have such extensibility and
>> flexibility in mind right from the start.
>Do you have any other needs I should consider?

I personally do not, but there are many different schools in that area, and a 
package should not just support one of them. This has to be reflected in the 
inner working, the flexibility and even the naming of the components.

The first thing to be done would be a collectoon of requirements, with feedback 
from as wide a community as possible. 


>with best regards Karsten

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