Problem solved for LilyPond log font size using AutoHotkey.   Thanke for
the help from Ben (sounds from sound).

Thank you all,

On Sat, Nov 2, 2019 at 11:10 PM Ben <> wrote:

> On 11/2/2019 10:57 PM, Freeman Gilmore wrote:
> On Sat, Nov 2, 2019 at 10:51 PM Ben <> wrote:
>> On 11/2/2019 10:16 PM, Freeman Gilmore wrote:
>> On Sat, Nov 2, 2019 at 9:59 PM Ben <> wrote:
>>> On 11/2/2019 9:31 PM, Freeman Gilmore wrote:
>>> On Sat, Nov 2, 2019 at 9:26 PM Ben <> wrote:
>>>> On 11/2/2019 8:16 PM, Freeman Gilmore wrote:
>>>> Is there a way to make the font larger in the Frescobaldi, LilyPond
>>>> Log?
>>>> Thank you,
>>>> ƒg
>>>> Yes, you can hover the mouse over the log and use the mouse wheel +
>>>> control key to change font size. :)
>>> Is there a way to simulate the Wheel?     I use a touchpad.
>>> Thank you,
>>> ƒg
>>> There can be yes, but it depends. What hardware are you using? Laptop
>>> brand/model? What OS?
>> I have a Dell that has a Simulated Wheel, touchpad is designed for it
>> but i do not use that for Frescobaldi.   The touchpad keyboard i am
>> using does not know how many fingers i am using on the pad.   Just thinking
>> there could be so way to set the keys to simulate a wheel.   Probably not.
>> Thank you,
>> ƒg
>> Hi,
>> Right. But are you running Windows on that Dell or a Linux flavor? I'm
>> just going to guess and assume Windows.
>> If so, it's pretty easy to setup an AutoHotKey script to simulate a mouse
>> scroll wheel up/down so that's what I would do if you don't have/can't get
>> access to a mouse.
> Windows but i would not have a clue.   I will try to find how.
> Thanks you.
> ƒg
> No problem, I got you.  :)
> Here's what you do:
> *First, download AutoHotKey.*
> Install it, defaults are fine.
> *Then, download this script to your desktop (it's an .AHK file) - a script
> that maps the entire NUMPAD to mouse controls.*
> (you only need to worry about the scroll options which is NUM add / NUM
> sub ( + -)
> *Then, double click the AHK file to "run it". You should see the icon in
> your tray now.*
> That's it! :)
> *Now, if you hold CONTROL + the NUMPAD minus or plus, you can scroll the
> font size in Frescobaldi log files.*
> Just tested it, works beautifully.
> Just make sure you have SCROLL LOCK for this to work.
> When you're finished and the log is the right size, you can always close
> the script from your tray and go back to whatever you had.
> Hope this helps!
> ============
> */*
> o------------------------------------------------------------o
> |Using Keyboard Numpad as a Mouse                            |
> (------------------------------------------------------------)
> | By deguix           / A Script file for AutoHotkey 1.0.22+ |
> |                    ----------------------------------------|
> |                                                            |
> |    This script is an example of use of AutoHotkey. It uses |
> | the remapping of numpad keys of a keyboard to transform it |
> | into a mouse. Some features are the acceleration which     |
> | enables you to increase the mouse movement when holding    |
> | a key for a long time, and the rotation which makes the    |
> | numpad mouse to "turn". I.e. NumpadDown as NumpadUp        |
> | and vice-versa. See the list of keys used below:           |
> |                                                            |
> |------------------------------------------------------------|
> | Keys                  | Description                        |
> |------------------------------------------------------------|
> | ScrollLock (toggle on)| Activates numpad mouse mode.       |
> |-----------------------|------------------------------------|
> | Numpad0               | Left mouse button click.           |
> | Numpad5               | Middle mouse button click.         |
> | NumpadDot             | Right mouse button click.          |
> | NumpadDiv/NumpadMult  | X1/X2 mouse button click. (Win 2k+)|
> | NumpadSub/NumpadAdd   | Moves up/down the mouse wheel.     |
> |                       |                                    |
> |-----------------------|------------------------------------|
> | NumLock (toggled off) | Activates mouse movement mode.     |
> |-----------------------|------------------------------------|
> | NumpadEnd/Down/PgDn/  | Mouse movement.                    |
> | /Left/Right/Home/Up/  |                                    |
> | /PgUp                 |                                    |
> |                       |                                    |
> |-----------------------|------------------------------------|
> | NumLock (toggled on)  | Activates mouse speed adj. mode.   |
> |-----------------------|------------------------------------|
> | Numpad7/Numpad1       | Inc./dec. acceleration per         |
> |                       | button press.                      |
> | Numpad8/Numpad2       | Inc./dec. initial speed per        |
> |                       | button press.                      |
> | Numpad9/Numpad3       | Inc./dec. maximum speed per        |
> |                       | button press.                      |
> | ^Numpad7/^Numpad1     | Inc./dec. wheel acceleration per   |
> |                       | button press*.                     |
> | ^Numpad8/^Numpad2     | Inc./dec. wheel initial speed per  |
> |                       | button press*.                     |
> | ^Numpad9/^Numpad3     | Inc./dec. wheel maximum speed per  |
> |                       | button press*.                     |
> | Numpad4/Numpad6       | Inc./dec. rotation angle to        |
> |                       | right in degrees. (i.e. 180° =     |
> |                       | = inversed controls).              |
> |------------------------------------------------------------|
> | * = These options are affected by the mouse wheel speed    |
> | adjusted on Control Panel. If you don't have a mouse with  |
> | wheel, the default is 3 +/- lines per option button press. |
> o------------------------------------------------------------o
> */*

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