> On 11 Nov 2019, at 19:04, Jonathan Armitage <jon.armit...@hepworthband.co.uk> 
> wrote:
> On 11/11/2019 15:32, Eric wrote:
>> On the assumption that it would have been pointed out if this link was 
>> dangerous phished spam (apologies, Mr Sorensen!!) I have decided to install 
>> this development version to replace my slashed-out 32-bit Lilyponds. Has 
>> anyone else - or are others who use Mac Catalina waiting for Lilypond 2.20 
>> to possibly include a 64-bit version (if even then) linked from the Lilypond 
>> site?
> I took the plunge and upgraded my Mac Mini to Catalina (not without other 
> difficulties which are still coming out of the woodwork) and installed Hans's 
> package, which seems to work perfectly well, apart from convert-ly as 
> mentioned elsewhere.
> I am a Homebrew user, I do not have MacPorts installed.
> I did have to recompile Qsynth myself. I cannot (so far) build Lilypond, 
> possibly because I cannot compile Guile 1.8.8. This is not a big deal for me, 
> I am only a casual Lilypond user.
> Thank you, Hans.

You are welcome. It is a self-contained installer that install into 
/opt/lilypond/, made from MacPorts lilypond-devel without requiring it, 
maintained by Walter, who helped cutting down on the installer size.

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