On Tue, Nov 12, 2019 at 6:58 AM Paolo Prete <p4olo_pr...@yahoo.it> wrote:

> Hello,
> in the following snippet, I can obtain a cross-staff tremolo:
> http://lilybin.com/y4csd8/1
> However, in this way, I'm forced to fill the "up" staff with invisible
> rests ( in this case:  s4. ) for the duration of the tremolo. Is there a
> way to avoid this and use only one music expression for the cross-staff
> notes?
> Thanks

I am not a Lilypond expert, but I believe the answer is no.  The reason is
that in order to change staff to "up", Lilypond needs to have that staff
"alive."  If there is no "up" staff, then there is no way to change to it.

Knute Snortum
(via Gmail)

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