Am 10.12.19 um 10:57 schrieb Thomas Morley:
Am Di., 10. Dez. 2019 um 10:42 Uhr schrieb Jens Gyldenkærne Jensen

The example from the manual regarding merging of rests 
 show a strange difference between whole measure rests and smaller rests. The 
crotchet rest in bar one is placed in the middle of the staff whereas the whole 
note rest in bar two is placed at the top (similar to the placement of the 
\voiceOne rest in the unmerged staff). Is this intentional or a bug? I would 
think that the correct placement would be in the middle of the staff.

This is fixed in upcoming 2.21.0, probably in upcoming 2.20.0 as well.

I can confirm: 2.19.84/2.20.0 contains the fix.

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