On Wed, Dec 11, 2019 at 9:13 PM Urs Liska <li...@openlilylib.org> wrote:

> Hi Paolo,
> Am 11.12.19 um 20:36 schrieb Paolo Pr:
> Hi Urs,
> I had another idea meanwhile, which is much easier and it's 100%
> Javascript (generated by Lilypond) inside the SVG file (then, only a common
> browser is required, no Inkscape, Frescobaldi etc.). I'm implementing it
> and I'll share the code with the community in the next days.
> Please go ahead with whatever brings the ecosystem forward!
> However, let me state that using Frescobaldi as a framework for that
> functionality was not a "generous offer" but rather a question. We would
> *very* much appreciate adding such graphic curve shaping in Frescobaldi.
> There you'd basically work in a browser too, with the added benefit of
> having Frescobaldi's knowledge of the LilyPond language to write the tweak
> back to the original file.

This is true, but given that the code is 100% Javascript I don't want to
couple it to Frescobaldi  *for now*. When the code wil be completed (and
working), we'll see how to integrate it in that editor.

> Just two comments on your original post:
> 1)
> Do you really need the IDs of the curve's control points? wouldn't they
> somehow be available from the SVG curve object somehow?

No. In fact I realized that it's not necessary anymore. I'm currently using
the "class" attribute, set by Lilypond on the svg element, and I set it to
the same value for all the slurs I want to modify.

> For the modification please use the \shape function that is built into
> LilyPond itself, not an LSR snippet. From the calculation perspective it's
> probably identical to what you suggested but the input syntax is different.
> Please have a look at
> http://lilypond.org/doc/v2.19/Documentation/notation/modifying-shapes.en.html#modifying-ties-and-slurs
Thanks. This makes the template shorter to write/test


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