"Peter Gentry" <peter.gen...@sunscales.myzen.co.uk> writes:

> This issue has been resolved with help from David.

Unless one of the more helpful Davids on this list pitched in in
private, I would not say that I had nearly enough information available
to contribute anything that could in good conscience be called "help".
This is probably an impressively amicable rewording (a feat I am
notoriously bad at) of "Davids incessive ranting inspired me to look for
the solution myself which I ultimately did find".

> Should anyone be interested all the files can be found at
> sunscales.co.uk under the composer Farrenc.
> I did get a bit confused with \cueDuring and \transposedCueDuring..

The basic question here is whether LilyPond's behavior changed in a
manner that stopped previously working documents from compiling, and
whether this was something that convert-ly would have been able to fix,
or should have been able to fix but wasn't.

David Kastrup

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