I sent the wrong log to show you what i get.  Disregard it.
I tried this by it self still does not work.

\version "2.19.83"
\include "definitions.ily"
 treble = {
   d'4 \accidentalHalfSharpArrowUp des'4
   \accidentalNaturalRaise d'
 \score {
   \new Staff { \treble }
   \layout {
     \context {
       \accidentalStyle dodecaphonic

On Thu, Dec 19, 2019 at 9:45 PM Andrew Bernard <>

> Hi Freeman,
> Be assured that this can be done. I use the following technique all the
> time.
> First you need to be familiar with openlilylib and install it. See
> archives for instructions. [I cant assume you know how to use it.]
> Then there is a snippet for custom-music-fonts/smufl.
> Here's some functions I have, as an example.
> Andrew
> %=====
> \version "2.21.0"
> \include "custom-music-fonts/smufl/definitions.ily"
> accidentalHalfSharpArrowUp =
> #(define-music-function (note)
>    (ly:music?)
>    #{ \once \override Voice.Accidental.stencil =
>       #ly:text-interface::print
>       \once \override Voice.Accidental.text =
>       \markup {
>         \smuflglyph "accidentalHalfSharpArrowUp"
>       }
>       $note #})
> accidentalNaturalRaise =
> #(define-music-function (note)
>    (ly:music?)
>    #{ \once \override Voice.Accidental.stencil =
>       #ly:text-interface::print
>       \once \override Voice.Accidental.text =
>       \markup {
>         \smuflglyph "accidentalQuarterToneSharpNaturalArrowUp"
>       }
>       $note #})
> %{
> treble = {
>   d'4 \accidentalHalfSharpArrowUp des'4
>   \accidentalNaturalRaise d'
> }
> \score {
>   \new Staff { \treble }
>   \layout {
>     \context {
>       \Score
>       \accidentalStyle dodecaphonic
>     }
>   }
> }
> %}
> ~
> %=====

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