On 12/28, Simon Albrecht wrote:
> I want to spend as little time as possible on maintaining/upgrading
> the OS. So I’m reluctant to ditch 16.04 just yet. Should I bite the
> bullet and take the time to install 18.04?

18.04 has been out long enough that major bugs should have been worked
out by now.  Do you mostly stick to packages in the repo, or do you
often install third party packages?  The distro I use is Ubuntu-based,
and when I recently upgraded from 16.04 to 18.04 the only problems I ran
into were related to packages I had compiled from source and needed to
recompile against the upgraded system libraries.  You may also run into
issues if you have many PPAs added.  Otherwise, the upgrade should be
pretty smooth.

> Does it make sense to skip 18 and wait for 20.04 in April?

I think for the smoothest upgrade process, upgrade to 18.04 and resolve
any issues that arise first, and then upgrade to 20.04 and resolve any
new issues.  The more things break at once, the harder it will be to
troubleshoot them.  You might also want to wait until 20.04 has been out
for a few months before you upgrade from 18.04 to 20.04.

> If I should try within 16.04, here’s some sites I checked out on a
> brief search:
> <https://askubuntu.com/questions/912830/libqt5webengine5-for-16-04> –
> the ppa mentioned there doesn’t exist anymore
> <https://forum.qt.io/topic/83394/installing-qt5-webengine-ubuntu-16-04>
> – the answers here seem to suggest setting up a whole different route
> of installing Qt, which seems like overkill
> <https://doc.qt.io/qt-5/linux-building.html> – this also seems like
> overkill if all I need is the ‘subpackage’ QtWebEngine

Mixing and matching packages from different Qt versions is likely to get
messy.  You might try this PPA,[1] which installs newer Qt versions to
/opt without conflicting with the version already on your system.  I
haven't tested it, but it may work for Frescobaldi.


[1] https://launchpad.net/~beineri

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