Hello everybody,

after upgrading to Ubuntu 18.04 I freshly installed Frescobaldi (and python-ly) according to the guide in the wiki (except for writing the ~/bin/frescobaldi within gedit, because somehow the first echo line wouldn’t work… and I cloned both repos from github.com/frescobaldi/… instead of /wbsoft/…).

Now when I try to launch Frescobaldi, I get this error:

“We are sorry, but Frescobaldi can't run properly.

The python-ly package is not available or too old.

At least version 0.9.4 is required to run Frescobaldi.

If you did install python-ly correctly, please remove the old

ly package from the frescobaldi_app directory, or completely

remove and then reinstall Frescobaldi.”

The most sensible explanation for that would be an error in the bash file, so I attach it in case someone else can see one…

(I cloned the repos directly in the home directory, so ~/python-ly should be the correct location)

@Urs: Should the wiki guide be updated to point to the repos in the frescobaldi organisation instead of wbsoft?

Best, Simon

python3 ~/frescobaldi/frescobaldi $@

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