

While using \voice 4 does replace my incorrect use of  \stemDown, it does
not locate the note head properly.

To do this a column shift is necessary.


This code is a combination of your suggestions.


\voices 1, 2, 4

    <<{c'2~ c8. dis16 e8. c16 | b2~ b8. dis16 e8. b16 |

       a2~ a8. b16 c8. a16}\\

      {e2 fis | dis e | cis dis}\\

      { \override NoteColumn #'force-hshift = #1  

        b'8. b16 a8. gis16 a2~ | a8. a16 g8. fis16 g2~ |

       g8. g16 fis8. e16 fis2}>>


Thank you again for your kind attention to my request.



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