Am Sa., 11. Jan. 2020 um 21:59 Uhr schrieb Paolo Prete <>:
> Hello Michael and Andrew,
> please look at this (2.19.83):
> {
>   \once \override DynamicText.extra-offset = #'(-2 . -3)
>   a'\p\< a' a' a'\ff
> }
> Obviously, the hairpin is not automatically moved so to be aligned with the 
> moved DynamicText.
> I wonder if is there a way to achieve this.
> Best,
> P

'extra-offset is applied _after_ all positioning is done.
This will never work like you seem to wish.

Use X-offset for DynamicText instead.
If you apply Y-offset additionally, you move DynamicText out of the
aligning DynamicLineSpanner provides.
Use DynamicLineSpanner.Y-offset instead.
This is basically what Andrew's function does.


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