> Took some time to refactor things and add functionality. I believe I have 
> managed to support all SVG path commands, except for elliptic arcs (A/a).

Holy Hannah, that is going *far* above and beyond any reasonable (or even 
unreasonable) expectations I might have had for assistance. I honestly would 
have expected to pay someone a few hundred bucks to do what you just did. 
Although I doubt we will meet in person, should we do so the very least I could 
do would be to buy you your choice of beverage.

I’ll play around with this, but I think you’ve saved me hours of work.

If I might suggest, this is the sort of functionality it would be fantastic to 
move into the core of Lilypond because I’m sure it would be useful to so many 
people. Generating SVGs from software is much easier than trying to extract 
post-script commands or manually coding your own shapes in Lilypond.


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