> All of my helper functions for overlaying stencils are really just
> hacks; they might work for some grobs and fail for others.  And when
> things stop working, you just have to look for another hack.  For
> instance, if messing with the stencil for TupletBracket is not working,
> perhaps you could use another grob to host the debug annotation.
> TupletNumber might be more accepting of modification, which you should
> be able to get via (ly:grob-object bracket-grob 'number).  But be aware
> that you might have to do things the other way around, working from
> TupletNumber.after-line-breaking which would mean getting the bracket
> from the number: (ly:grob-object number-grob 'bracket).
Your work is great. Finally all these properties are *clarified*, and they
are very far from the obscure/missing/messed up documentation. We will have
to talk again about this in the next days.
(I did not think about the TupletNumber workaround. Thanks)

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