Am Samstag, den 25.01.2020, 17:48 +1000 schrieb Craig Dabelstein:
> Hi everyone,
> I've written a LilyPond syntax highlighter for pygments. It's not
> perfect but it's mostly working. Is there anyone out there who could
> test it?

Thank you for working on it.
How does one test it?First clone the repository and install pygments
from there (its ``) I suppose. The README suggests using `pip`,
which surely wouldn't work, isn't it?
I have installed Pygments through pip3, is there a way to avoid a
conflict, e.g. by *not* installing your pygments clone but directly
invoke the proper executable?
I suppose testing would be done through using the command line version
as described on ?
> I'm sure there is lots that could be improved on it. It is running
> without errors, but it is failing the pull request tests and I don't
> know why. I'm not experienced enough to work it out.
> Thanks everyone,
> Craig

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