On 2020-01-25 9:38 am, Kieren MacMillan wrote:
    \new RowReductionStaff { \new Voice << \test \testier >> }

I’m hoping eventually to understand how to manipulate each element
well enough to (e.g.) eliminate tied notes, have it "duration
independent" (in the sense of not throwing "incompatible stem"
errors), etc.

A "\\" seems to tame the console output with no other changes to the input:

  \new RowReductionStaff { \new Voice << \test \\ \testier >> }

But that might just be sweeping things under the proverbial rug.

Something to consider is that RowReductionStaff could be built up from scratch in terms of the engravers you require. At it stands, \Staff brings in many engravers. A more restrictive set of \consists would reduce the amount of superfluous grobs you need to \omit. Plus I suspect the MIDI performers would be inappropriate for this context. (But now I wonder what it would sound like to convert semitones into tones.)

-- Aaron Hill

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