> On January 27, 2020 at 8:45 PM Aaron Hill <lilyp...@hillvisions.com> wrote:
> On 2020-01-27 12:27 pm, Denis Bitouzé wrote:
> > Hello,
> > 
> > the following drum partition has (semi-)opening hihat. In the Midi
> > output, the resonance of this hihat is not stopped, even if followed by
> > an explicitly closed hihat.
> It is usually expected that synthesizers implement drum note exclusivity 
> groups, which allow only one of the group to be playing at any given 
> time.  The three standard hi-hat notes (42=closed, 44=pedal, 46=open) 
> often form one such group.  So if the tail of an open hi-hat is not 
> being cut off by a subsequent closed hi-hat, that may indicate a problem 
> with the synthesizer itself or whatever patch is loaded.

This might be broadening the scope of the original concern, but as food for 

One would want to control the timing of the HH closing for *artistic* 
purposes... the HH closing can make for rhythmic expression (and often does, in 
live performance)....

That said, however, the automation of the above (in lilypond) may be outside 
the scope of what the app is intended for (primarily score engraving).  Correct 
me if i'm wrong.

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