On Thu, Jan 30, 2020 at 10:17:20PM -0500, Michael Finton wrote:
> If that's correct, how do I tell Lilypond to make breaks according to the
> page constraints while still visually keeping to what a Schenker graph is
> supposed to look like?  Is it as simple as just making the bar lines
> transparent?  But if that's the case, how do I equalize the amount of space
> each note head takes (everything should be the same, regardless of length)?

If you make the barlines transparent they will still occupy some space,
and they will only occur every few beats anyway, which probably isn't
the most suitable for Schenker graphs. What you need to do is insert
\bar "" at suitable points where the music can have a line break. For a
Schenker graph this could be after almost every note, so when I have
done them myself in the past in LilyPond I had a separate voice full of
empty space and \bar "". The below example shows what I mean:

breaks = {
  \repeat unfold 128 { s8 \bar "" }

\score {
  \new Staff <<
    \repeat unfold 128 b8

By putting a potential break after every note, one allows LilyPond to
make the best choices about how to break the music up. (But of course
you can always manually put the \bar "" in places you think it will work


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