In the following example:
\version "2.18.0"
MI = { \time 3/4
         \override Voice.Slur.stencil = ##f                   
         \override Voice.Tie.stencil = ##f 
          %comment out the next bar to suppress the slur and tie                
          c'8~ c' c' c' c' c' 
          c'8( a'8) c'' c''8 c'' c''8
MII = { \time 3/4 
         \override Voice.Slur.stencil = ##f                   
         \override Voice.Tie.stencil = ##f 
          %comment out the next bar to suppress the slur and tie                
         c'8~ c' c' c' c' c'  
         c'8~ c' c' c' c' c' 
\score {
  \new Staff << 

I find the slurs and ties are drawn despite no stencil. Stranger still,
the *are* suppressed if I comment out the first bars.

Any ideas?

Richard Shann

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