Rick Kimpel-2 wrote
> I am trying to learn how to change the default stem directions.
> […]
> ...without having to do all the \stemUp \stemDown stuff.
> I'm ok with the manual beaming.

Hi Rick,

You could set up a custom function.
A simplistic example (see below) will read the 'default direction.
As you have already noticed, the default stem direction will be #UP for note
heads below the middle stave line and #DOWN otherwise.

Obviously, you'd like to have it the other way round. The custom function
will give back #DOWN if the default direction is #UP, and #DOWN otherwise).

\version "2.19.83" 

#(define (custom-stemdir)
   (lambda (grob)
     (let ((defdir (ly:grob-property grob 'default-direction)))
       (if (= defdir UP) DOWN UP))))

\score { 
  \new Staff 
  \with { \override StaffSymbol.line-count =  #1 } 
    \clef percussion 
    \relative c' {
      b8 c4 c8 b8[ b] b c |
      \override Stem.direction = #(custom-stemdir)
      b8 c4 c8 b8[ b] b c |



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