Anders Eriksson <> writes:

> On 2020-03-15 20:18, Mark Stephen Mrotek wrote:
>> Anders,
>> Thank you for your reply.
>> I have not used “command line” to run
>> Can you provide a process?
>> Thank you,
>> Mark
> Hello Mark,
> 1.    Start a command Window (cmd)
> 2.    change the current directory to <lilypond installation
> directory>\usr\bin
> 3.    type  -e <full path to the .ly file you want converted>
> (4    Press enter )
> The original file will be renamed <>~
> The converted file will get the original name.

I prefer to use convert-ly -ed here.

‘-d, --diff-version-update’
     increase the ‘\version’ string only if the file has actually been
     changed.  In that case, the version header will correspond to the
     version after the last actual change.  An unstable version number
     will be rounded up to the next stable version number unless that
     would exceed the target version number.  Without this option, the
     version will instead reflect the last _attempted_ conversion.

Why use that?  Because if there is no necessity to changing the file,
leaving it at the old number increases the likelihood that _if_ the
convert-ly script is improved at some later point of time, your files
have a chance to get the improved conversion.

David Kastrup

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