Aaron Hill wrote
> %%%%
> \version "2.20.0"
> #(define-markup-command (subUp layout props f1 f2) (markup? markup?)
>    (interpret-markup layout props
>      #{ \markup \overtie \concat { #f1 \hspace #0.15 #f2 } #}))
> subst = #(define-music-function (f1 f2) (markup? markup?)
>    #{ \finger \markup \subUp #f1 #f2 #})
> substII = #(define-music-function (f1 f2) (markup? markup?)
>    #{ \finger \markup \overtie \concat { #f1 \hspace #0.15 #f2 } #})
> \relative c' {
>    c1\finger \markup \subUp "1" "2"
>    c\subst "1" "2"
>    c\substII \markup \with-color #red "1" \markup \circle "2"
> }
> %%%%
> NOTE: In general, prefer markup? to string? for markup-related 
> arguments.  You never know when you might want to provide more than just 
> simple text as demonstrated above.
> -- Aaron Hill

That was very instructive, thank you very much!
The third example was definitely the best one.

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