Dear Roland,
thanks for Your link, You did really good work and I guess it would be
worth to develop it. But off course it's lot of work, I think I could't do

Am Fr., 17. Apr. 2020 um 03:01 Uhr schrieb Roland Goretzki <>:

> Hello Stefan & all,
> You wrote:
> > has someone experiences and/or ideas for using lilypond for
> > eartraining-purposes?
> > [ ... ]
> > Are there other projects/ideas around?
> well, while NOT being a programmer, nevertheless I created a little
> web-based cgi-program especially for training note-reading, and it
> contains also a part for training absolute hearing.
> It's all related to a piano-graphic, on which You can click the
> random-created note You've read btw. heared, and it will give a
> feedback, if it was wrong or write.
> One can chose different difficulties.
> The note-reading part contains also some interval-training parts.
> What does it have to do with lilypond?
> Well, the note symbols I've used are created by lilypond. :-)
> I made it in 2010 (3 month) and 2012 (2 month), and it's missing a
> chord-training part, but I won't continue this program, and due to not
> being a programmer, the code is nearly unreadable (perhaps meanwhile
> also for me).
> So You can only use it as is.
> The good thing is:
> There is no costs, no "Werbung", no cookies and so on, the only thing
> you have to create is an own two-part user name and an own passwort at
> the first session, for getting a later feedback about your progress in
> following sessions.
> To get the site, you cannot only type
> because this website I've closed several years ago. But you can get it
> by typing the direct URL:
> There You will be asked a user name, it is:
>     roland
> And You will be asked a password, it is:
>     benjamin
> After this you get directly into the program, where You have to create
> your own user name and password as mentioned above. The rest ist mostly
> self-declaring, I think.
> For potential further questions in detail I would prefer the German
> language, because I'm no English native speaker, and I assume, You are a
> german, don't You?
> For all English speakers:
> The program is only in German language, I'm sorry.
> Best Regards           Roland
> PS:
> Don't know why I didn't share it in the past - perhaps simply forgotten
> OR due to the language and the necessary declaration? ;-)

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