On Tue, 2020-04-28 at 23:37 +1000, Brent Annable wrote:
> Hi all,
> I'm looking for some general advice on how to combine about 70 files
> into one, to turn multiple files into a single PDF.

I guess you are aware that ghostscript can concatenate your pdfs?

gs -dBATCH -dNOPAUSE -q -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -sOutputFile=merged.pdf *.pdf

Richard Shann

> Over the past two years or so I've been typesetting a collection of
> organ pieces for a friend. After doing the first few I created a
> template that I subsequently used to set the rest, adding to it as I
> went along whenever new problems presented themselves. Now the
> collection is finished and I need to put them all together, and I'm
> just wondering about the easiest way to go about it. 
> Most of the Lilypond files contain multiple \score blocks (usually 2
> or 3) and the variables in each file all have the same names. I've
> attached a typical file to give an idea of what I'm dealing with
> (plus the file with my macros, for convenience).
> So I have about 70 files like this. How should I go about putting
> everything together? Can I do an 'include' for every file somehow? Or
> do I need to rename all the variables in each separate file to do
> that? I've never done this before, so would really appreciate being
> steered in the right direction to avoid having to reinvent the wheel.
> Many thanks,
> Brent.

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