Lukas and Kevin:
Thank you, this should do it.   Looks like it answers many question  I have
been having.

On Mon, May 4, 2020 at 10:51 AM Kevin Barry <> wrote:

> Hi Freeman,
> > The first one below works fine but the second does not work when the
> > dollar is replaced with \markup \vcenter \huge \bold "$".   Please
> > explain why?    Why is \markup bound in the first and not in the
> > second.    I see \markup used in many places like to the second
> > example that works, what is the difference?
> If you want to include lilypond syntax inside scheme syntax you have to
> put #{ #} around it. Here is your second example, with that included
> (which made the error go away for me):
> \layout {
>   \context {
>     \Voice
>     \override Accidental.before-line-breaking =
>     #(lambda (grob)
>        (if (eqv? (ly:grob-property grob 'alteration) SHARP)
>            (begin
>             (ly:grob-set-property!
>              grob 'horizontal-skylines
> ly:grob::horizontal-skylines-from-stencil)
>             (ly:grob-set-property!
>              grob 'text #{ \markup \vcenter \huge \bold "$" #})
>             (ly:grob-set-property!
>              grob 'stencil ly:text-interface::print))))
>   }
> }
> Hope that works for you
> Kevin

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