> On 16 May, 2020, at 5:31 PM, David Kastrup <d...@gnu.org> wrote:
> The problem is that there are quite a few things in there that make no
> overwhelming sense for the task you want to solve.  In order to allow
> for "snappy" init files doing specific tasks like this version of
> parse-only.ly does, one should likely move some of its content to
> declarations-init.ly or elsewhere.  At the current point of time, the
> ability to set up different init files is not really something one can
> cleanly put to good use.
> So generally I'd be wary expecting this to continue working forever, but
> hopefully if it stops working, the necessary changes should make for a
> cleaner solution then.
> -- 
> David Kastrup

That’s really too bad as this is something that seems like it would really come 
in handy.  Certainly, as I’m learning make having something which is equivalent 
to the -M flag for a C compiler would be very handy for generating dependencies.

Though, I did find one problem thus far: \omit seems to create problems when 
placed as a context mod.  In the attached file I’ve got the two methods for 
getting rid of bar numbers (from the manuals).  If I use the \omit version, 
then processing with parse-only.ly generates "error: not a context mod”.  If I 
use the \remove version, then everything is fine.

Of course, I still get the list of files I want on the stdout, so I can totally 
live with this.  The only difficulty is that when this occurs lilypond exits 
with a non-zero exit code, so any scripts I write based on this can’t use the 
error code to determine if the command completed successfully.

Fr. Samuel, OSB
(R. Padraic Springuel)
St. Anselm’s Abbey
4501 South Dakota Ave, NE
Washington, DC, 20017
(c) 202-853-7036


Attachment: test.ly
Description: Binary data

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