Am Montag, den 18.05.2020, 14:37 +0100 schrieb antlists:
> On 18/05/2020 13:44, David Kastrup wrote:
> > antlists <> writes:
> > 
> > > On 15/05/2020 21:17, Fr. Samuel Springuel wrote:
> > > > Now I just need to turn this list into something that can be
> > > > used to
> > > > figure out if the target needs to be recompiled.
> > > 
> > > As Jacques said, "make".
> > > 
> > > At the top of your directory structure you can have a makefile,
> > > and it
> > > just contains a list of all your targets, and the files they
> > > depend
> > > on. Okay, every time you add a new include, you need to update
> > > it,
> > > but...
> > > 
> > > Then when you change something, you just go to your top
> > > directory,
> > > type "make", and watch everything affected by your recent changes
> > > recompile.
> > > 
> > > The really nice thing about it, is it will handle recursive
> > > includes
> > > by itself. Can't remember the syntax, but if an include file
> > > pulls in
> > > other includes, you can define that include file as a target,
> > > which
> > > then flags any other that targets that use it. So each target in
> > > your
> > > makefile only needs to include the includes that it depends
> > > *directly*
> > > upon.
> > 
> > That's not how Makefile dependencies work.  Dependencies track the
> > relation of _output_ files to their _input_.  They do not track the
> > hierarchy of different input files that only refer to each other by
> > name: for the purpose of Make, those are independent and
> > equivalent.
> > But the _output_ file(s) generated from them are dependent on all
> > of the
> > respective input files in use, and tracking those and generating
> > the
> > dependencies was what Fr. Samuel was asking about in the first
> > place.
> > 
> Yup. But he wanted to know "which files do I need to recompile".
> Which 
> is exactly what makefiles do.
> so if trombone.pdf is compiled from, which includes 
>, which includes, then I know there is
> some 
> sort of syntax which will:
> define as a target, define it as changed if its 
> dependencies change, and say "it doesn't exist as a file that can be 
> created with a command".
> So if changes, it cascades up and causes trombone.pdf to
> be 
> re-compiled, but this is the important bit - you don't need to 
> *ex*plicitly define trombone.pdf as relying on
> Just had a slight rethink - which affects things - namely what
> exactly 
> is Fr. Samuel trying to achieve. Does he want a list of dependencies
> as 
> a thing in its own right, or does he want to know which targets need
> to 
> be recompiled as a result of changing a file. Because "make" is all
> he 
> needs if the latter is what he's aiming for. If he really wants the 
> former, then yes he'll need all thse lily functions etc that people
> have 
> pointed him to.

Sounds nice, but how can you tell Make what include files a given .ly
file depends on? Without inside knowledge into the LilyPond way of
recursing into the input files?


> Cheers,
> Wol

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