Gianmaria Lari <> writes:

> Hello Paul,
>> [...]If I'm writing music in F, then I suggest that I be able to use *bF*
>> as a pitch instead of *bf*. The *F* would indicate that all subsequent *b*s
>> would be flattened until one is encountered with a different accidental or
>> until the end of the current music expression. It should have the same
>> scope as \stemUp or similar. [...]
> I don't know "how much Frescobaldi knows" of the lilypond code the user is
> editing. If it has a logical representation of the source code it could be
> Frescobaldi (and not lilypond) to handle this feature and offering to
> autocorrect, according the key signature indicated in the source code, the
> note you write while you write it.
> You are in F, you write b and it propose bes.
> Maybe with different language (never used english for lilypond note input)
> this would be more difficult.....

As an editing feature, this makes a lot more sense in my book: you see
the effects it has and have the means to correct them immediately, like
with actual graphic input.  But for a batch processor, this kind of
second-thinking is a recipe for trouble, and the more second-thinking
there is, the harder it is to reliably get results without the
corresponding visual feedback.

David Kastrup

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