

I’m transcripting a piece with a repeat. In the lower staff there is a group of notes that only is played in the 2nd time. Above those notes I want to have the vertical repeat line. I managed to do that as follows:


  \set Staff.whichBar = ""

  \set Score.repeatCommands = #'((volta "2x only") start-repeat)

  bes'8[ e,16] g,4

  \set Score.repeatCommands = #'((volta #f))


Now I would like to have the vertical line at the end of the horizontal repeat line. There is one at the beginning but it would be much clearer if there would be the vertical line at the end. In the regression test, with the normal way of the repeat syntax (\repeat \alternative …) this vertical line is shown. But not with the \set Score.repeatCommands. Is there a way to force that vertical line?


I also would like to have the text “2x only”. The default font does not contain alphabetic characters but I can’t figure out how to change that font. Is there an easy way to override this?


Thanks and regards,





I’m using LilyPond 2.4.4 on RedHat 9


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