I would like to obtain timing information to tell me at how many seconds into the score each page begins. I have had a go at this, and failed. So I'm now looking for answers to two questions:

1. How to obtain this output from lilypond (e.g. a file listing the number of seconds into the score at which each page begins.), and

2. Why does my attempt (see below) not work? I'm new to this type of deeper digging into lilypond, and I hope to learn from my mistakes.

What have I tried so far?

I guessed that the page-break-event might occur at the times of interest to me.

Looking at http://lilypond.org/doc/v2.19/Documentation/notation/saving-music-events-to-a-file, I modified event-listener.ly in an attempt to catch the page-break-event, like so:

% New function to handle the event:

#(define (format-page engraver event)
   (print-line engraver

% add a listener for the event:
#(define event-listener-engraver
     (page-break-event . format-page)
     (tempo-change-event . format-tempo)
     (rest-event . format-rest)
etc ...

This didn't produce the output I was looking for (no 'page' in the generated .notes files)

So I wondered (just guessing) if I needed to change the context to which event-listener-engraver was being added, do I changed that as follows:

\layout {
  \context {
    %\Voice     %% try a broader context :Score:
    \consists #event-listener-engraver

No joy.

My final hack was to add handling for the line-break-event and page-turn-event. Again no joy.

I am out of my depth. Have I perhaps just exposed the fact that I don't properly understand the interplay between events, contexts and engravers? Is there some difference between the page-break-event and the the events that are properly handled by event-listener.ly ?


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